Ahsan Bari

The entrance of DMJX in Aarhus, Denmark. Photo: Ahsan Bari

Sometimes, when you are here after hours or during classes, the hallway looks eerily empty. Photo: Ahsan Bari

A student’s POV inside one of the many DMJX auditoriums. Photo: Ahsan Bari.

“That’s a great question”
– Professor Steffen Moestrup
Photo: Ahsan Bari

On our way out. Photo: Ahsan Bari
A smoker's favourite place at the DMJX. Photo: Ahsan Bari  

A Mundus student was seen struggling with his assignments. This is a common sight at the DMJX. Photo: Ahsan Bari

Most students cycle to DMJX instead of taking the bus. Some even prefer to walk. Photo: Ahsan Bari